RoMade Recipes

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Stromboli is almost the perfect dish.  Pizza is the perfect dish, but Stromboli is a close second.  It all starts with great dough and then you can throw anything you want in there to make a great snack.  There are two ways to enclose the fillings -either the single fold over method or the jelly-roll style.  They are both acceptable but the single fold works best for fillings you want to pile high such as sausage and broccoli rabe and the jelly roll works best with flat cold cuts like salami and cheese.  Experiment to try different flavor combinations but make sure you cook the food before it goes in (veggies and meats) because not only will they not cook enough during the baking time, but they will release too much liquid and ruin the crust.


  •       1 ball pizza dough (you can make your own or buy from a pizza place or store.  My favorite is Addeo from Arthur Ave)

Filling Ideas for Jelly Roll style:

  •       Ham and cheese
  •       Salami, pepperoni, provolone cheese
  •       Pepperoncini, sliced black olives, roasted red peppers, mozzarella

Filling ideas for the folded over method:

  •       Salami, pepperoni, provolone, cooked broccoli rabe or spinach
  •       Meatballs, mozzarella, a touch of tomato sauce
  •       Breaded and fried eggplant or chicken cutlet, cheese, roasted red pepper
  • 1 egg white, lightly beaten with a tablespoon of water
  • Sesame seeds


Preheat oven to 400° F.

For the Jelly Roll style, roll and stretch the dough out as far as you can on your counter.  Lay the cold cuts flat all over the dough, one layer at a time.  Starting at one end, roll the dough over the cold cuts in a jelly roll style, or as if you were rolling up a rug.

For the fold over style, stretch the dough into a flat rectangle.  Place the filling ingredients along the middle, piled high.  Fold the ends of the dough in and then fold one side over the other and pinch to make sure it is tightly closed all around.

Lay the Stromboli, seam side down, on a baking sheet that is covered with parchment paper.  Brush the top of the Stromboli with the egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds (optional).  Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.  Slice and serve with a side of tomato sauce for dipping.