RoMade Recipes

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Pistaccio and Lemon Pasta

I love pistaccio nuts and have since I was a child, only I never buy or have even seen in years, the kind that are dyed red and stain your fingers.  That's just one of those things you have to wonder about.

This is kind of a cross between pesto and Cacio e Pepe but with the added flavors of lemon and pistaccio.


  • 1 lb spaghetti, dried or fresh
  • 1 cup roasted pistaccio nuts
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • Zest of one lemon
  • Good quality extra virgin olive oil, about 1/2 cup
  • Pat of butter
  • 1 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
  • Pinch of salt
  • Freshly grated black pepper


Cook pasta in heavily salted boiling water to al dente perfection.

Meanwhile, in a food processor, grind nuts, basil, garlic and lemon zest. While grinding, slowly drizzle in the olive oil until a course grind forms. 

When pasta is done, drain and toss with the butter.  In a large bowl, toss hot pasta with the nut mixture and the cheese until evenly mixed.  Add salt to taste and a few grinds of fresh black pepper.