
Hi. I'm Ro.

Welcome to RoMade, a collection of recipes I wrote for family and friends.

Grilled Eggplant

You can use any kind of eggplant for this dish, but if you use Japanese or Italian, you don't need to salt and drain.  The larger Holland eggplant will be best if salted first. You can also make this with zucchini or yellow squash.


  • 4 Italian or Japanese eggplant or 2 large Holland eggplant
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Balsamic glaze, optional


If using large eggplant, slice about 1/2 inch thick and line the bottom of a colander with one layer.  Salt the eggplant, cover with one sheet of paper towel then add another layer and repeat.  Place a small plate on the top of the stack and something to weigh it down, such as a few large cans of tomatoes.  Allow the eggplant to drain for an hour then remove the paper towels and rinse off the salt.

If using Japanese, Italian or zucchini, slice off the tops and then slice lengthwise.  Brush each slice with olive oil.  Heat a grill or grill pan to medium-high.  These need to cook through so you don't want them to burn so you may need to turn it down as you see how quickly the slices brown. 

Cook, turning over a few times, until soft and no longer springy.  Plate and sprinkle with salt and parsley and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.  Serve hot, room temperature or even cold.  You can add the slices to sandwiches, roll up with a little ricotta cheese in the center or just serve as is.  If you have fresh mint around, tear a few leaves over the top as well for a refreshing hint of flavor.



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Panna Cotta

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