
Hi. I'm Ro.

Welcome to RoMade, a collection of recipes I wrote for family and friends.

Crispy Roasted Artichokes

Crispy Roasted Artichokes

I love artichokes and although they are a total pain to prepare, they are worth the effort. This method allows you to eat the entire artichoke, not just the heart.


  • 6 globe artichokes (or as many as you want to make)

  • olive oil

  • salt and pepper

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon or more depending on how many artichokes you make


Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.

Cut the tops and bottoms of the stems off the artichokes and trim off the hardest outer leaves. Cut the artichokes in half and scoop out the hairy insides. Submerge the pieces in a bowl of water with the lemon juice while you work on the other pieces. Remove each piece from the water and pat dry then rub each piece with olive oil and generously sprinkle all over with salt and pepper.

Roast the chokes, cut side down on a baking sheet, covered completely and tightly with foil for 40 minutes. They will be charred but the steam heat will caramelize them.



Chopped Salad

Chopped Salad