
Hi. I'm Ro.

Welcome to RoMade, a collection of recipes I wrote for family and friends.

15 Recipes Every College Kid Needs to Know How to Make

15 Recipes Every College Kid Needs to Know How to Make

The year is 2020 and my family and I are home under self quarantine due to the coronavirus. What is one to do with so much time in close proximity to the kitchen?? Cook. My daughter is going off to college in the fall, God willing, so I thought this would be a good time to teach her some basic recipes. Here are the top 15 I believe she can easily swing on her own:

  1. Sauce and Meatballs

  2. Chicken Soup

  3. Carrot Ginger Soup (because she loves this)

  4. Beans and Greens (cheap, healthy and filling)

  5. Roast Chicken

  6. Banana Bread

  7. Froscia, or in English, an Omelet

  8. Bread or Breadsticks

  9. Chicken Cutlets

  10. Minestrone Soup

  11. Easy Ramen

  12. Mac and Cheese

  13. Stromboli

  14. Soft Pretzels

  15. Miso Soup

What recipes do your kids like to eat or would you teach them how to make if you could?

Chopped Salad

Chopped Salad

Banana Cream Pie

Banana Cream Pie